Thank you to everyone who helped.
Thanks to Sue Dorscheid who got my trophies to the photo shoot. You don’t realize, but if you hadn’t I am sure I would have missed something…you see, in Jazz’s Brood Bitch photo online, the perpetual is photo shopped into her photos. At that time I didn’t even know I had won a perpetual trophy!Thank you to all those Canadian kennels in my pedigree for giving me such good stock to start and such a great palette to play with. I am sure it was all there to begin with and I have just been lucky enough so far to not undue what has been given to me.
As I left the ring for the last time, Lee Ann was saying, next year EVERYONE will be wearing a white suit.Now that is funny. Jeannie Cameron had told me on the way to check in to the hotel 3 long days before that this was the Canadian Memorial Day weekend and we all know, you are only allowed to wear white from Memorial Day until Labor Day. Guess I’ll be wearing white more often.